Monday 31 March 2008

More pots

A few more blurred pics of some of the pots that went to London yesterday.


klineola said...

Doug,It seems we potters are always sending those pots off too soon after unloading them from the kiln, a real pity. But thankfully we have these pictures(and blogs!) that can serve as reminders of those pots that we want to remember but have to send on their way so we can make a living, and make more pots.
I was happy to be holding one of your pots over at Ron's the other day and wondered why more potters over here didn't use wood to fire their earthenware. I think it had a richness that only a flame can give a pot. The pots look really good.
Maybe potter Ron should come up and fire some of his pots in my wood kiln.;)

Ron said...

Howdy! Hope you're having some time to rest and prepare yourself for your openings. Are you going for the 'country potter' look, or maybe a bit 'rock and roll', or 'artsy and intellectual' ? You should wear your Wellingtons. See this is what I'd be worried about, 'what to wear'. Silly.

Right, Michael, maybe we should do that. You'd have to help me fill the kiln though. Maybe make a couple big jars out of earthenware.

doug Fitch said...

Hi Chaps
This is the ultimate in decadence for me. I got up this morning to see Hil and the boys off to school, then went back to bed and dozed until 1pm. Just got out of a hot bath. I feel a lot better for a good rest that's for sure. I spent some of my concious doziness working out my next batch of pots.

Funnily enough, I have been going through the 'what to wear' thing - whatever happens it's bound to be a bit scruffy, I'm not the right shape to do smart however hard I try. I'm also skint so it'll have to be something ancient form the bottom of my drawers - socks and sandals, that's the look I prefer of course and I think it may be 'in' this year. Certainly it hasn't been done yet on the High Street so it's only a matter of time.

It'd be great to see a collaborative kiln load of e/w in Michael's kiln. I wonder how the salt would affect it - interesting.

Matt Grimmitt said...

I've got a nice cardy you could borrow Doug!